Galvan Fly Reels

Galvan Fly Reels

Galvan Fly Reels

As one of the world's largest dealers of Galvan Fly Reels, we've come to know their family/staff, and products extremely well here at Stillwater Fly Shop. The Torque, the Rush LT, and the Brookie - these names, when spoken, have an automatic association with this amazing brand.

Whether it's the Galvan Fly Reel Torque T-5 or a Galvan Rush Light Fly Reel - you will likely find the greatest variety of sizes, colors, and availability here in our shop.

From Galvan: At Galvan, our fly reels are the result of over 25 years of dedicated design and innovation. More than that, they are part of an ongoing tradition of a family-run business, American-made products, and time-honored craftsmanship built into every reel we make. The industry has changed a lot in our time, but it's what hasn't changed that makes us who we are.
