Sage Trout Spey Hd Fly Rod
Sage Trout Spey Hd Fly Rod
Sage Trout Spey Hd Fly Rod
Sage Trout Spey Hd Fly Rod
Sage Trout Spey Hd Fly Rod

Sage Trout Spey Hd Fly Rod

Sale price $1,050.00

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Winner IFTD 2019! Sage Trout Lightweight Spey Fly Rod

The Trout Spey HD series of rods bring ease to lightweight spey techniques with KonneticHD technology. These rods focus on Spey casting as opposed to Switch rod style actions previously captured within Trout Spey category and features an action designed for skagit and scandi style casting techniques with trout appropriate sized flies. Five rods from 10’3” to 11’3” excel with a variety of spey lines that are currently offered in 200-350gr sizes.

The TROUT SPEY HD action offers a more stable tip (a balance between stability and tippet protection) and a power adjustment to better handle Trout Spey specific lines currently on the market and the trend toward heavier lines. The added models in the series will give anglers more options to select appropriate sizes for their fishery (fly size, fish size, and environment), with a smaller 10’3” 3wt model designed to work well with the shorter spey heads that are extremely popular today. The two handed short-rod, short-head combination allows anglers to retrieve and fish flies much closer, opening up possibilities in tighter quarters and the ability to cover water more effectively.


1109-4: (Grains: 150 - 200gr) - Soft hackles, small streamers <1” , unweighted
2109-4: (Grains: 200 - 250gr) - Soft hackles, small to meduim streamers 1- 2”
3103-4: (Grains: 250 - 300gr) - Soft hackles, moderately weighted steamers 1 - 2”
3110-4: (Grains: 250 - 300gr) - Soft hackles, moderately weighted steamers 1 - 2”
4113-4: (Grains: 300 - 350gr) - Large streamers <3”


• Swinging flies for trout
• Tailored to the latest developments in Trout Spey lines0
• Ease of casting streamers

Key Features

• KonneticHD Technology

• Conifer blank color

• Dijon primary thread wraps with Tan trim wraps

• Tangle-free Fuji ceramic stripper guides

• Hard chromed snake guides and tip-top

• Vera wood insert with down-locking reel seat

• Super Plus full-wells cork handle with decorative composite accent rings

• Tan rod bag with brown logo and model tag

• Tactical Green aluminum rod tube with Sage medallion

1109-4 Trout Spey / 10’9” 4pc 1wt

Historically, 2wt Trout Spey was the lightest available but Little guy Little has arrived. The smallest of the small Trout Spey rods is now available and ready for action. Be it East or West baby spey is here to stay. Fly selection and use will dictate the boundaries for this light tackle specialty rod. Swinging soft hackles is assured but classic streamer patterns along with carefully designed micro intruders will see action as well

• Line Match: RIO Trout Spey #1 (Scandi Style Line at 190gr), Skagit Trout Spey 200gr

• Sink Tips: 10’ conventional (Replacement) Tips, Floating, Intermediate, Type 3 & 6 in 55 grains, Scandi Light Versi-Leaders 7’ all types.

• Reel Match: Sage Trout Spey Reel 1/2/3

2109-4 Trout Spey / 10’9" 4pc 2wt

Today the 2wt rout Spey rod represents ultralight versatility based on specialized lines coupled with well thought out fly patterns. The angler’s ability to harness fun and effectiveness is found here.

• Line Match: Skagit Trout Spey Integrated 225gr, (Head 250gr), Trout Spey #2 (Scandi) 230gr

• Sink Tips: 10’ Floating, Intermediate, Type 3&6 in 55 grains, Scandi Light Versi-Leaders 7’ all types.

• MOW Match: MOW Light through 10’ sink tip.

• Reel Match: Sage Spey Reel 1/2/3

3103-4 Trout Spey 10’3" 4pc 3wt AND the 3110-4 Trout Spey 11’ 4pc 3wt

The 3wt Trout Spey represents the step right in and get after it Trout Spey rod. For the spey caster the transition from conventional spey rods is found with ease here. While there are two 3wts listed here, it should be noted that the shorter of the two (3103-4) is targeted toward smaller water, and a versatile offering, the 3110-4 sits in the historical length of a 3wt Trout Spey. Destined to become a favorite of the trout chasing crowd, be it east, west, north (Alaska Trout, Dollies, and Grayling) and south (South American and New Zealand trout). Sweet swinging is on the way.

• Line Match: Skagit Trout Spey #3 275, Trout Spey #3 (Scandi) 265gr

• Sink Tips: Scandi Light VersiLeaders 7’ all types.

• MOW Match: MOW Light through 10’ Sink Tip, MOW Medium through 10’ Sink Tip

• Reel Match: Sage Trout Spey 3/4/5

4113-4 Trout Spey / 11’3" 4pc 4wt

The biggest of the SAGE Trout Spey offering, the 4113-4 is also the Work Horse of the Trout Spey Kingdom. This rod will see a myriad of angling opportunities throughout the west along with Alaska adventures as well as favorite haunts of both South America and New Zealand. The beauty of a 4wt Trout Spey is your fly selection, and use expands greatly along with casting expectations (distance). Northern California and Southern Oregon ½ Pounders will indeed find themselves posing for photos as well. Come cast this gem and see how little plays BIG.

• Line Match: Skagit Max Power 350, Trout Spey #4 (Scandi) 305gr, Skagit Trout Spey (integrated) 325gr, Skagit Trout Spey (HEAD) 350gr

• Sink Tips: 10’ Spey Versi-Leaders, all type (Scandi 300). 15’ 109 grain sinktips in type 3, 6 & 8. (Skagit Max Power 350)

• MOW Match: Light/T-8, Medium/T-11

• Reel Match: Sage Trout Spey 3/4/5, Spectrum LT 7/8

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